0300 111 9000

Mon, Wed & Fri 9am-5pm,
Tues & Thurs 8am-8pm

0300 111 9000

Mon, Wed & Fri 9am-5pm, Tues & Thurs 8am-8pm

Health Liaison 

What do the Health Liaison Team do? 

Our Health Liaison workers work closely with GP’s and Hospitals across the county. This work includes supporting Healthcare professionals to identify Carers who may use their facilities. It also involves collaboration work throughout the NHS with Carers to identify and improve services for them.   

Our dedicated GP Health Liaison includes:  

  • Raising awareness through Carer Champions within GP Surgeries  
  • Supporting Health professionals to recognise Carers and how to refer them on to receive support  
  • Ensuring GP surgeries display our animation to support with Carer self identification within their waiting rooms  

Our dedicated Hospital Health Liaison includes:  

  • Covering both the acute Hospitals (Gloucester Royal and Cheltenham General) and Community Hospitals  
  • Raising awareness through work within the Hospitals and ensuring all staff are able to identify Carers and refer on to services which offer them support  

Our Health Liaison workers also attend a variety of meetings with relation to health and ensure that Carers needs and rights are considered when planning and implementing things. They sit on a variety of partnership meetings including:  

  • Learning Disabilities  
  • Autism  
  • LeDeR  
  • Dementia  
  • Frailty  

They also work closely with commissioners and the NHS to ensure that Carers voices are heard and understood.   

Within the NHS Foundation Trust there is a Carers Lead. The Carers Lead (Carer Practice Development Practitioner) within Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust works to support the Trust in both progressing and advancing carer engagement whilst maintaining links with key stakeholders to continue to improve the effectiveness and success of this.  

Why should I tell my GP I am a Carer? 

It is really important that your GP knows that you are a Carer and that you are supporting someone, this will allow them to:  

  • Provide access to annual vaccinations.  
  • Allow you to be more flexible with appointments.  
  • Provide valuable information and advice about your health if your caring role is impacting you in anyway.  
  • They will also be able to make a referral to us for you to have ongoing support and advice to protect your health and wellbeing.  

What is a Patient Participation Group? 

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and  GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service. Its purpose is to allow patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics and areas of development specific to the needs of your practice. Find out more from watching this video: https://youtu.be/8b9Y2QhfK9k   

Accessing Carer Support within the Hospital 

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Gloucester Royal and Cheltenham General) have a PALS service (Patient, Advice and Liaison Service) who can help Carers with accessing the correct support when using or visiting their respective Hospital. You can find out more about PALS by visiting: Patient advice and support (gloshospitals.nhs.uk) 

Carers Handbook 

The Carers Handbook is available to anyone who cares for or supports a patient in our hospital. It has been produced in collaboration with carers. It can be found here: 971Carers-Handbook-A5__final.pdf (gloshospitals.nhs.uk) 

Gloucestershire Hospitals Information for Carers 

There is dedicated information available to Carers who are supporting someone who is in one of the acute Hospitals. (Gloucester Royal and Cheltenham General) for up to date information including the Carer Passport please visit: Information for carers (gloshospitals.nhs.uk) 

Who to contact if the person you support goes into Hospital 

We have a dedicated information leaflet to assist you if the person you support goes into Hospital, you can find the information leaflet here: GCH_A5-Flyer_Who-to-contact-if-the-person-you-care-for-goes-into-hospital.pdf (gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk) 

Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Trust – Providing your feedback 

The Patient and Carer Experience Team are there to help with any queries you may have regarding the trust services. Your views and suggestions are important. They help the Trust to improve the services they provide. They would like you to tell them about your experiences so that they continue to make life better for people who use their services and their families/Carers. 

You can share your views by clicking here: Give us your views > Glos Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust (ghc.nhs.uk) 

For more information about our Health Liaison Team please contact us on 0300 111 9000 or email carers@peopleplus.co.uk 


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